Laus 2020: Doping Control
The Laus are the prestigious national Spanish design awards, held yearly by the ADG-FAD, Association of Art Directors and Graphic Designers.
Achos's proposal was selected to design and develop the communication campaign of the 2020 edition of the Awards, the concept of which was: Doping Control. With the intention of breaking from the traditional campaigns, get people talking and create a bit of a stir, the campaign was centred around the idea that the quality of submitted projects had been so high that it was too good to be true; there must have been doping going on (or some similar kind of foul play).
The campaign encompassed promotional communications, branded applications and a series of additional activations – all the while as tongue-in-cheek as could be expected from Achos.
Achos's proposal was selected to design and develop the communication campaign of the 2020 edition of the Awards, the concept of which was: Doping Control. With the intention of breaking from the traditional campaigns, get people talking and create a bit of a stir, the campaign was centred around the idea that the quality of submitted projects had been so high that it was too good to be true; there must have been doping going on (or some similar kind of foul play).
The campaign encompassed promotional communications, branded applications and a series of additional activations – all the while as tongue-in-cheek as could be expected from Achos.
In good Doping Control fashion, invitations were sent out to the very many creative studios, agencies and practitioners in Barcelona and beyond in the form of a urine sample cup, which contained an informative leaflet describing (in detail) how the recipient should sign-up to the Awards.

During the aptly-named Last Days phase of the Awards' inscriptions, we decided to have a bit of fun and take to the streets – and tape-up a few of Barcelona's big names' doorways. To coincide with this late-night activity, the ADG-FAD put out an accompanying communication stating what translates to "they who do not sign-up to the awards must have something to hide". The ADG-FAD were even supportive enough to tag the targeted studios in their post for good measure.

Taking advantage of the organisation's social platforms, a tongue-in-cheek and more audacious approach was adopted for the Awards' promotional communication.
This content made use of puns and plays (the majority of which in Spanish) using slangs and words some may recognise to make (somewhat dissimulated) references to drugs.
This content was rooted in its use of language, and ranged from typographic errors, to puns; to more outrageous audiovisuals.
This content made use of puns and plays (the majority of which in Spanish) using slangs and words some may recognise to make (somewhat dissimulated) references to drugs.
This content was rooted in its use of language, and ranged from typographic errors, to puns; to more outrageous audiovisuals.